Speaking Engagements

Smith, R.L. and Brachman, M.L. (1977): Response of  auditory-nerve fibers to sinusoidal amplitude modulation.  J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 62, S46(A).

Barlow, R.B. Jr., Bolanowski, S.J. Jr. and Brachman, M.L. (1977):  Efferent mediated circadian changes in the neural activity of the Limulus lateral eye, ARVO Abstr., pp. 120(A).

Brachman, M.L. and Smith, R.L. (1979):  Dynamic versus static characteristics of single auditory nerve fibers, Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 5, 16(A).

Brachman, M.L., Smith, R.L. and Frisina, R.D. (1979):  Effects of time on decremental responses of single auditory-nerve fibers,  J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 65, S83(A).

Smith, R.L., Brachman, M.L. and Goodman, D.A. (1982): Adaptation in the Auditory Periphery, International Cochlear Implant Conference, April 14-16, 1982, New York Academy of Sciences.

Brachman, M.L. (1991): FoxPro's Application Programming Interface, Third Annual Fox Software Developer Conference, Toledo, OH, September, 1991.  

Brachman, M.L. (1992): Introduction to FoxPro's Application Programming Interface, The Fourth Annual Microsoft International FoxPro Developer Conference, Phoenix, AZ, September, 1992.

Brachman, M.L. (1993): Extending FoxPro Using the FoxPro Application Programming Interface, Microsoft Tech•Ed, March 12, 1993. 

Brachman, M.L. (1993): Introduction to Rapid Systems Development, Microsoft FoxPro 2.5 Launch, April 14 & 29, 1993.

Brachman, M.L. (1993): The FoxPro Application Programming Interface, Fifth Annual Microsoft International FoxPro Developer Conference, Orlando, FL, October, 1993.

Brachman, M.L. (1995): Using the Visual FoxPro Application Programming Interface, Sixth Annual Microsoft International FoxPro Developer Conference, San Diego, CA, January, 1995.